
Welcome to the Lads-to-Leaders/Leaderettes
2025 Bible Bowl Questions
Online/Interactive Study Tool

CLICK HERE for the login page of the
Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes
Bible Bowl Questions Study Tool

The 2025 Bible Bowl questions on
The Book of GENESIS
are available in the Bible Bowl study tool.

Your congregation or group may register for the 2025 questions
by clicking the link for the Registration and Payment Process
in the menu bar at the top of this page, and then
selecting one of the payment options (described below),
which are available within the Payment Process.

Bible Bowl Questions Study Tool 2025 Usage Fees
(Scroll down for actual fee amounts)

Since the 2008 version of the Lads-to-Leaders/Leaderettes Bible Bowl Questions study tool, a nominal fee has been charged for access to the current year's questions for each congregation or group. The fee is based on the expected number of student and adult users of the study tool, and is used for ongoing support and maintenance of the study tool database and software.

The Bible Bowl study tool usage fees for the 2025 questions will still be the same for the Annual or Multi-Year payment options as last year's fees. There will also continue to be an increase in the Monthly payment options. This is due to the fact that it takes more time to service and maintain the monthly accounts than it does the Annual accounts. I would like to encourage everyone to use one of the Annual or Mult-Year payment options, and to do so more than 6 months before the Lads to Leaders conventions in March. The longer your teams have access to the Bible Bowl study tool, the greater benefit they will derive from it. The greatest cost and usage benefit will come from choosing one of the Annual or Multi-Year payment options. Also, the monthly payment option only includes access to the basic Question and Answer sessions, which does not include any of the Administrator features. (see below)

Basic Usage Fees for the 2025 questions
  • $60.00 - Annual Usage Fee for Unlimited Users (One payment per year)
  • $40.00 - Annual Usage Fee for up to 10 users (One payment per year)

  • $50.00 - Monthly Usage Fee for Unlimited Users
    *NOTE* Month-to-month usage will not include access to Administrator features
  • $35.00 - Monthly Usage Fee for up to 10 users


You can realize significant savings and discounts off of the basic Annual usage fees if you choose to pay for more than one year's use of the Bible Bowl study tool at one time. The following discounts off of the standard annual fees of $60 or $40 will apply when you select a payment option for more than one year:

* Five-year usage fee * BEST VALUE * 20-25% discount
(save $40 or $70 - You Get One Full Year (or more) FREE!)
  • $230.00 - Unlimited Users for 5 years ($46/year)
  • $160.00 - Up to 10 users for 5 years ($32/year)
* Four-year usage fee - 15-20% discount (save $25 or $50)
  • $190.00 - Unlimited Users for 4 years ($47.50/year)
  • $135.00 - Up to 10 users for 4 years ($33.75/year)
* Three-year usage fee - 10-15% discount (save $15 or $30)
  • $150.00 - Unlimited Users for 3 years ($50/year)
  • $105.00 - Up to 10 users for 3 years ($35/year)
* Two-year usage fee - 5-10% discount (save $5 or $10)
  • $110.00 - Unlimited Users for 2 years ($55/year)
  • $75.00 - Up to 10 users for 2 years ($37.50/year)

Administrator features include the following functions, (available only when an Annual or Multi-year payment option is selected):
  • Generating a list of questions and answers for one or more chapters, which can be created in either Sequential or Random Order.
  • Running a variety of reports showing your students' progress.
  • Viewing/editing/updating the information in your congregation and user accounts.
  • Adding new user accounts as needed (if you select the unlimited users option).
  • Designating any of your adult user accounts as Administrators.
  • The previously optional "PowerPoint Mode" is now a standard Admin feature, and can be made accessible to one or more users, if desired. (see below for more information about the "PowerPoint Mode" feature.)
Features available to all users:
  • A new Usage Tips and Suggestions list with recommendations for having a better experience and fewer problems with the study tool.
  • A new Quick Feedback feature for comments and feedback about the study tool, allowing you to quickly identify any issues you may have.

* NOTE - Regarding MONTHLY usage fees and NO ADMIN access *

One other item of note affects the Monthly usage fee, which will only provide access to the basic Question and Answer sessions. No Administrator privileges will be available if you select a Monthly payment option. Administrator features will only be available if one of the Annual or Multi-Year payment options is selected.

A representative from each congregation or group must select one of the usage fee payment options described above in order to have access to the 2025 questions. The payment options are available in the Registration and Payment process, which can be accessed through the link in the menu bar at the top of this page.

PowerPoint feature for Bible Bowl study tool

The optional PowerPoint presentations that were previously offered were used by less than 35% of the study tool registered users. Because of this low percentage of usage, coupled with the fact that the questions are now available in PowerPoint format from the Lads to Leaders National Service Center, new questions will not be available as PowerPoint presentations from the Bible Bowl study tool.

However, all questions will continue to be available in a "PowerPoint-like" format by using the "PowerPoint Mode" feature in a question and answer session. This mode allows the questions to be presented in a manner similar to running a PowerPoint presentation where the question and choices are shown first, and then the correct answer is shown when the Enter key is pressed. By using this method, you could create your own set of PowerPoint presentations by doing a screen capture (e.g., Alt+PrintScreen, or the Windows "Snipping Tool") of each successive screen, and pasting each one into a page of an open PowerPoint session. (If you are interested in doing this but have questions about how to accomplish it, please contact the site administrator.)

The "PowerPoint mode" will be available to all participating groups (that select an Annual or Multi-year payment option) as a standard Administrator feature, and it will also be a selectable option for student access if your group chooses to make it available to any of your students or non-Admin adult users. It will be an Administrator option that can be set on the congregation/group account maintenance page, or the user account maintenance page.

If you have any questions about the web site or usage fees, please contact the site administrator using the email or phone number at the bottom of this page.

Free Access as GUEST to View or Demo
Bible Bowl Questions from Previous Years

(No payment is required to access previous year questions)

If you are not familiar with the Bible Bowl online study tool, you may access the Bible Bowl questions that were used in some of the previous years for the Lads to Leaders Bible Bowl competitions, in order to view and demonstrate the way the software works. Use the link at the top of this page to get to the main login page, and use GUEST as both the Group and Personal user-id to log in. You will then be able to access all the sets of questions from previous years.

PowerPoint Presentation files of 2009 Questions
(No payment is required to download these PowerPoint files)

Mr. Keith Clancy of the Hampton Cove Church of Christ has made available a set of PowerPoint presentation files for the 2009 Bible Bowl Questions on JOSHUA. Keith set them up for use by the teams at his congregation, and has graciously provided them for use by any congregation which might be interested in using them for their own purposes.

The files are available in several formats, including a conversion to an older version which should be useable by anyone with PowerPoint 97 or newer. There are also 2 compressed, or "zip", files of the older and newer PowerPoint versions containing the questions in both sequential and random order. You may download any or all of these files and try them out if you're not sure which one will work with your version of PowerPoint. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about these PowerPoint presentation files.

Click on any of the following 3 links for the PowerPoint 2007 format:

Click on any of the following 3 links for the PowerPoint 97 format:


If you have any questions about this software or are having any problems
using this web site or application, you may contact the site administrator
either by email:   or by phone:  256-653-8046

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1640 Winchester Road
Huntsville, Alabama 35811

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